Welcome To Lynn Marketing and Virtual Assistance

What is a Mommy Bag?

A Mommy Bag is a packet/bag of advertising pieces, coordinated by Lynn Marketing Concepts, put together in order to broaden the advertising market for small businesses in the Lexington, Kentucky area. Our target market: Mommies and Women in general! We want to encourage all small business owners to participate but especially welcome those businesses owned by women. There is a modest fee to participate each month in the Mommy Bag Program and the only other costs involved in participating are in what you decide to create or include as your advertising piece for the Mommy Bags!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Many Benefits of Participation in Mommy Bags Campaigns

Benefits of Participating in the Mommy Bags Program:

1. Your business is put in front of a very targeted and receptive audience of women who love to support other women.

2. You will receive a list of every group that received Mommy Bags for the month that you participated. This is a great way to follow up with a thank you card or letter to keep your business fresh in their minds. I will provide an address for the Mommy Group or Women’s Group where the Mommy Bags were delivered. A perfect way to build relationships with potential customers is to send a personalized letter or note card to the group to set your business apart from everyone else!

3. You don’t have to compete with your fellow business consultants as we only allow 1 from each direct sales company to participate in any given month.

4. This is a ground floor opportunity, June is the first month for Mommy Bags, and you never know where this may lead. The opportunities are limitless at this time, as we intend on exploring every avenue available with these Mommy Groups and Women’s Groups. (My hope is that we will eventually have live events that we “put on” for these ladies. Wouldn’t you like to have the opportunity to be a part of something Big like that?)

5. The Holidays are just around the corner so to speak! We are building a great foundation with these groups in advance to invite them to a great event once we get closer to the holiday season. And we will only be including those women who choose to participate in the Mommy Bag Program as participants!

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